School is out, and that means summer can start! I’m super excited to be able to take a break from school and hang out with friends, work, and just have a good time in the sun. One thing that I am going to do this summer is go to the gym. Planet Fitness is doing a program where 14-19 year …
Lucas Grant: Week 26
This has been a pretty exciting week, I got my drivers license! This Thursday I finished my 50 hours of driving practice and my 6 hours of in-person driving, and after 6 months of waiting and a lot of practice I was eligible to take my test. So after school I drove with my mom to the DMV and waited …
Cooper Riegel – Week 11
This week was scary, and fun. I auditioned for next year’s spring musical, Mean Girls. This was the first time I had done anything like this and it felt good to put myself out there and I am looking forward to seeing if I get cast. Mean Girls is one of my favorite movies and to be a part of …
Cooper Riegel – Week 10
Not much happened this week. It’s been a rainy week in Auburn so I’ve spent a lot of time inside. I still went out for a hike in the rain earlier this week, and I have a feeling the flower bloom this year is going to be enormous. I was also able to get some good driving practice this week, …
Cooper Riegel – Week 9
This week marks the end of the second month of my test. The physical parts of the test have been easier, and the sparring rounds I am doing with Sensei Chris Hadlock have been very fun but also challenging. His style of fighting is very different from what I am used to and it is really interesting to experience another …
Lucas Grant: Week 25
The tournament that I previously mentioned is now here. It was a super fun experience to do a little in-school tournament. It’s nice and refreshing for the stress and nervousness go away because you know you are competing against your friends. I was able to take second pace in normal Kata, and first place in weapons Kata. Some of my …
Lucas Grant: Week 24
This week we have a karate tournament coming up, so that means time to practice a little bit more and get ready to compete. This is a kata tournament, so these 1000 rounds of kata are really going to show. The kata I will perform is Kusanku, the 7th kata you learn at our dojo. It’s also the kata that …
Lucas Grant: Week 23
This week was very fun! As I mentioned previously, I was going to go on a houseboat trip with a large bunch of my family. This was the week I got to go! It was super fun being able to see family I haven’t seen in a while, and it was great being able to relax on a nice cool …
Lucas Grant: Week 22
With spring strongly upon us, the weather gets nice which means people want to make plans and do outdoor activities. All of that means my schedule gets busier and busier, granted these outdoor activities are typically super fun. But you can have fun and be busy all at the same time. Coming up on Thursday (the 18th of may), I …
Lucas Grant: Week 21
This week I was fortunate enough to be invited to participate in helping in Senei Bennati’s dojo’s black belt test. It was a great experience being able to go out there to help spar with the candidates. Although their test is a bit different than ours, it still gave me a refresher of what’s to come in January. All of …