Week 4 – David Brezinski

In OneHeart Challenge by David Brezinski1 Comment

“It’s the end of the year as we know it, and I feel fine!” (borrowed and modified from REM – ‘End Of The World’)

Happy New Year! Bye bye 2021 and Hello 2022!

It has been a nice holiday period thus far having some time with family we had not seen in over a year, eating lots of good food and treats (pro tip, Sees chocolates are evil but in a so very tasty sort of way). Tonight I will eat some fresh Dungeness crab with my family, play some games and generally relax as to usher in the new and next year! I have a lot to look forward to and no shortage of challenges and opportunity ahead.

For the most part I have kept up with things relative to requirements; lagging a bit on sparring but made up some time last night with Ike-san in the dojo (got 6 solid 2 minute rounds in with him plus kata time). Been on top of my pushups, crunches, running, acts of kindness though I often do think too much about the latter. On the acts of kindness, upon some contemplation last night on my short drive home from the office, it is sometimes very little things like letting someone pull out of a driveway on busy Folsom Blvd, or simply cleaning a few dishes left in the sink by other family members or office-mates and not complaining about it. A friend of mine says it is important to practice “kind thoughts, kind words and kind deeds” and in time it like our kata and training becomes a habit. I do however absolutely know when I am NOT kind.

I just finished about set of pushups (between thoughts and paragraphs in this post). I think it’s now time to go for a New Year’s eve run…last run of 2021 and some more miles on my 1,000 mile journey into 2022!


  1. I think Ike-San is always happy to help out anyone by getting some extra sparring rounds in! Let’s make sure we return the favor for him in a few years when he’s ready to test. πŸ™‚

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