Cooper Riegel – Week 35

In OneHeart Challenge by Cooper RiegelLeave a Comment

All good things come to an end. We left Idaho this week after extending our trip for a few days. It still doesn’t feel like enough time but I am super glad we got to spend more time up here. We spent our last couple days hanging out with friends and adventuring. We planned to do a very long float down the river, which we did most of before a thunderhead forced us to get out around 40 minutes from the end. On the float, I found a phone in the river that seemed to have been dropped that day. It powered on but I wasn’t able to find the owner so I turned it into the lost and found at the Marriott downriver from our cabin. This was actually the second phone we found on our trip. My dad found an iPhone in the river while we were fishing earlier in the week. It took a few days to dry out and power on but we managed to find the owner. It ended up belonging to one of our friends who had lost it a year before about a mile upriver. I am still amazed at how improbable it is.

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