Lucas Grant: Week 47

In Uncategorized by Lucas Grant2 Comments

This week I want to talk about my personal goal I’ve been developing throughout my black belt test. This goal I set for myself was to learn better responsibility and self discipline. There have been many physical challenges throughout my test but they don’t compare to the mental challenges that one will go through. Responsibility and self discipline were the two big heavy hitters in this metal challenge of the black belt test. Being able to balance everything in life has been by far the hardest challenge I’ve come by. With school, work, friends, family, and karate/black belt test it has all been a lot, and hard to balance. There have been times where I’ve had to give up hanging out with my friends in order to complete what I needed to do for my test, and as a 16 year old that is a really hard decision to make. I can tell you now that if at the start of the test I was put in the same situation I would have gone with my friends in a heartbeat. But with the amount of self discipline that I have had to use during my test I have become much wiser in the case of determining my decisions. Having all of this to do has also needed a lot of responsibility. Having to do all the things I have to do consistently for over a year has not been easy to lead up to, also for the black belt test mostly relying on a trust system I have the responsibility as a practitioner to stick to that trust and not break it. Overall, developing this goal has not been easy and it was for sure a part of the test that going into it I didn’t think would be so hard. But now being close to the end I have realized that the metal challenges of the test are much harder than the physical.


  1. Lukas,
    It’s like Yogi Berra said: Ninety percent of this is Mental. The other half is Physical.

  2. Lucas, you will remember this year all your life. And draw upon your thoughts when you need to. I am enjoying reading your words every week. You are a wonderful young man. Love, G

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