You know what is cruel? Recovering from injury and getting back to pre-injury performance. You are losing stamina and strength super quick when you stop exercising, but it takes you so much longer to get back to where you used to be.
I have reached a level where 200 pushups a day were no problem. Now I can barely do 10 at a time without my sprained wrists hurting. However, we are all bound to the limits of our anatomy and genes.
While reading into the topic of healing after a sports injury, some reports suggest that at over 40-year old your body recovers 15-18% slower than a 30-year old with the same injury. It is important to rest and not give in the pressure or the recovery is even set back more.
I am back to sit ups and slowly building up my arm and shoulder strength with pushups. I still have ~6 more months to go to be back.