A New Year of New Challenges & Opportunities
Hard to believe, it’s 2023! Looking back at ’22, it was most certainly a challenging year, my black belt training and work to meet requirements top of list. Yet, this has culminated in positive growth; mentally, spiritually and physically.
As we enter ’23, I am eager to transition into my next phase of karate training and discovery with a “beginner’s mind.” There is a curiosity to this and an excitement relative to continually learning. Sensei has discussed starting a black belt level class and assuming I pass my test, I am excited about what lies ahead and being a part of and amongst others I highly respect.
I too have the Boston Marathon coming up in April! This will require ramping up my running time and miles that have been reduced the past few months because of my karate training and a batch of injuries (foot, calf muscle, hamstrings). This will be by second Boston Marathon experience and for anyone that runs marathons, Boston is the biggest of them all.
I am excited for what is ahead and feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for experiences past, and things I’ve yet to experience that are ahead!