Lucas Grant: Week 48

In Uncategorized by Lucas Grant1 Comment

School this year has been going very well, I ended the first quarter with a 4.4 GPA! But challenges of a few big research projects are soon to come. Coming up with research projects in 11th grade is really tough. It’s like trying to find your way through a big maze. Picking a good topic is hard because you want something interesting but also doable. There’s this pressure to be smart and unique while dealing with not having a lot of time or fancy tools. It feels like you’re in a balancing act, trying not to fall while exploring new ideas. It’s kind of scary because you want to do something important, but it’s easy to feel lost in all the big academic stuff. Making a research project becomes this big challenge that needs lots of hard work, thinking, and being brave when things get confusing. Hopefully I find a strong topic so I can start my research, wish me luck!


  1. Wishing you good luck Lucas!! First of all, 4.4 GPA outstanding!! And I am sure you will come up with a good research project. Can’t wait to see what it is. Love, G

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