Week 1 – Geneva Bell

In OneHeart Challenge by Geneva Bell1 Comment

Week one was a lot easier than I expected, but I know it’s going to get much harder as time goes on. I’ve been fitting in my daily push-up and sit-up requirement before school by getting up at 6 a.m. and I can tell my body isn’t thrilled about waking an hour earlier, but I’ve been feeling more alert in the morning after exercising. I’ve also been practicing kata in the morning too. For my 15 minutes of meditation, I’ve decided to split it up so that I do five minutes in the morning, 5 more midday, and the last five before I go to sleep which seems to be helping me stay calm and focused throughout the day which is nice. As for my 1,000 mile journey, I’ve been doing interval running during PE, so I’ve been able to reach my daily goal pretty easily. I started making a new running playlist that will hopefully keep me motivated since running isn’t exactly my favorite activity.


  1. Time management is, for many, THE most challenging part of this test. It is a true test of measuring and managing priorities, and value of sacrifice to achieve your goals. Whether those are sacrifices made to be a champion in the ring or in life, the lessons you learn will carry toward success in many areas of your life as you learn just how much you are truly capable of.

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